Determining the cause, mechanism, and manner of death takes an intimate knowledge of human anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Pathologists, doctors of medicine who specialize in studying the diseases that affect the human body, are the persons responsible for performing autopsies. CSI: Miami and NCIS fans know these people as the characters, Dr. Alex Woods and Dr. Donald "Ducky" Mallard, respectively.
Pathology, the study of disease, is a postdoctoral medical specialty that dates back to the 19th century. By the latter half of the 20th century, pathologists began branching out into individual subspecialties. It was not until 1959 that forensic pathology became a board-certified specialty.
The forensic pathologist is concerned with the study of medicine as it applies to criminal law. Moreover, the forensic pathologist is more likely to deal with injuries. More than 50 percent of the cases he deals with involve death caused by the onset of disease. He is qualified to perform autopsies that yield evidence that he must attest to in open court as his professional opinion.
In order for someone to become a full-fledged forensic pathologist, one must undergo years of training in college. It takes approximately 13 years of training before he can work as a member of a CSI team. He must complete four years of undergraduate work. Another four years of medical school. Another four years of pathology residency. And finally, one year of fellowship in forensic pathology. He must be board-certified by taking an examination administered by the American Board of Pathology.
The forensic pathologist is at the top of the pyramid of the forensic system of investigation. However, the work of this profession is not all clean and tidy like working a desk job and pushing pencils all day. This profession requires you to be exposed to a deceased person's bodily fluids, smell, and disease. It can also be rewarding, fascinating, and intellectually stimulating.
Once a person becomes a forensic pathologist, he is eligible to work as a medical examiner or coroner. His duties will include examining dead bodies to ascertain the cause, mechanism, and manner of death; perform autopsies; supervise the pathology lab; and perhaps run the entire crime lab. He must be called to the scene of the crime at any hour of the day since criminals rarely keep a 9-to-5 schedule. His job description also entails assisting law enforcement officials with body search-and-recover procedures and providing expert testimony in criminal court. He must be a fully licensed doctor of medicine in the state in which he practices as a forensic pathologist and have extensive knowledge of human anatomy, physiology, pathology, anthropology, dentistry, microscopy, x-ray and lab testing, evidence rules and court procedures, crime scene evaluation, and local, state, and federal laws.